Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Last Saturday, we collected tons o' canned goods at the Glen Burtnik's Xmas Xtravaganza. It was much fun. Ian Hunter and Jersey's own Deborah Harry showed up. And the East Brunswick percussion ensemble rocked! All it was missing was Harmonytryx's version of Whoville's "Fah Hoo Forays" which would have made an excellent intro to Don Dazzo's "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch."
By the way... if you are going to donate food to a charity... please do not give GLASS BOTTLES. Nothing is worse than taking out a plastic bag filled with tomato sauce covered glass splinters.
To keep with the holiday spirit, I humbly submit this You Tube video...
(Stitch provided the link from Laughing Squid)